
Check out our tickets page for cinema screenings of They Will Have to Kill Us First near you. The movie will be available to purchase from iTunes, Amazon and other outlets later in the year. Sign up and we’ll let you know as soon as it is available. Meanwhile, here are some goodies you can buy to keep you going.


Our amazing soundtrack is now available in the USA!

Featuring never before heard songs by Abdallah and Hassan of the legendary band Tinariwen, Khaira Arby, Afel Boucom, an EXCLUSIVE never before published track by Ali Farka Touré, fantastic new tracks by Nick Zinner, Amkoullel, Amanar feat Vieux Farka Touré, newcomer Kankou Kouyate and many more.

Listen on Spotify!

Available digitally on all platforms including Amazon.

T-shirts and Tattoos

Our brilliant T-Shirts and Tattoos are now available at the OKAYAFRICA SHOP!


Written by Andy Morgan (co-writer of the film), Music Culture & Conflict in Mali is the definitive book on what happened in Mali in 2012. For those who want to find out more than we can tell you in a 90 minute film, this is a must read.

“Andy takes you on a clear and considered journey through the complexities of modern Mali. A must read for all those interested in the culture of West Africa.” – DAMON ALBARN

Published by FreemuseMusic Culture and Conflict in Mail is available here. All proceeds go to Freemuse, the only organisation in the world dedicated to freedom of musical expression.