Take action

There are a number of ways you can support musicians across Africa who find their musical freedoms under threat.

Sign up to bring the film to your town or city, buy albums of the musicians in our film, or donate to the MUSIC IN EXILE fund. Details below.



Buy music

A good way to support musicians fighting against censorship and violence is to buy their music. It’s easy, provides income to the musicians and you get an incredible sonic experience out of it as well.

You can buy music from Songhoy Blues, Khaira Arby and Disco’s band Tartit from any independent record store or online retailer as well as Songhoy Blues website and Khaira Arby’s record label.

Can the film screen in my town?

If you would like to host a screening at your school, local theatre, local festival or even in your own home, please send an email to johanna@music4mali.com.

Please include your name, age and the name of your town or city and the festival, school or venue you would like to screen the film at!

We will contact you on how best to bring the film to screen near you!